The greater the power,
the more dangerous the abuse.
The Context of power
Sexual harassment has more to do with POWER
and less to do with sex than is generally understood.
What makes it different from ordinary flirting
is that sexual harassment occurs in the context of power imbalance.
One person has more power than the other
and therefore has the power to intimidate.
Sometimes the women "CHOSEN" by the harasser are the most vulnerable.
The formal power of a supervisor or a faculty member is obvious;
both have the power to affect the life chances of employees and students
because of their ability to provide or withhold
a benefit, evaluation or service and their potential to harm.
It is the power relationship that characterizes the insidious nature of sexual harassment.
A person with less power can be easily intimidate by a person with more power.
Most discussion of power and sexual harassment have focused on formal power.
However, the informal power of men over women
by virtue of their greater physical size, strength
and status in another factor in sexual harassment,
especially when it involves coworkers or students harassig other students.
In one sense harassing behavior has often been 'normalized'
and viewed as typical and acceptable behavior for young males.
So it's already said why sexual harassment become an unrealistic issue among community~
-Sexual Harassment on Campus, Bernise R.Sandler, 1997; Ally & Bacon
terima kasih @Nads Couture >.<