Monday, 2 April 2012



Myths is an attempt to narrate a whole human experience, 
of which the purpose is too deep, 
going too deep in the blood and soul, 
for mental explanation or description.

Most of people still talking about the myths of sexual harassment. 
Guess what, these myths be hereditary from generation to another generation. 
Even though we have achieve a brand new world generation. 
Myths are still myths and totally opposite with fact or reality. 
Generally the myths and realities of sexual harassment  are;

Myth      – Sexual harassment is a woman’s problem and only happens to women who flirt, dress provocatively or otherwise “invite” it.
Reality – Sexual harassment most often occurs when someone in power abuses that power; it occurs regardless of how someone looks or acts. Sexual harassment can and does happen to anyone.

Myth        - Only women are sexually harassed and all sexually harassment perpetrators are men.
Reality   - While women continue to be the majority of sexual harassment recipients, men do get harassed by other men and women. Also, increasing number of women are being sexually harassed by other women.

Myth      – Sexual harassment is no big deal. Anyone who complains has no sense of humor.  
Reality – Sexual harassment and intimidation aren’t funny. They are degrading and humiliating. The effects of sexual harassment can be negative and long lasting, sometimes ruining careers and undermining academic performance, often causing emotional turmoil.

Myth      – If sexual harassment is ignored, it will go away. If the victim “just says ‘No’ ”, the harasser will stop.
Reality – Many harassers are told “No” repeatedly and still continue their behavior. Ignoring harassment is frequently seen as assent or encouragement, a sign that the victim “really likes it.”


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